

Dr. S. S. Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology



The Institute has independent facilities for imparting instructions in all subsidiary subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and basic engineering courses in Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The Institute has well equipped laboratories in all the subjects of basic sciences like Physics, Organic, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry besides Organic, Inorganic Technology labs and Workshops. The Institute has state of the art equipments in Unit Operations, Process Dynamics and Control, Reaction Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Petroleum Processing, Low Temperature Engineering, Bio-Chemical Engineering and Alternative Energy Technology laboratories. Also unique facility of a Pilot Plant exists in the Institute. This plant provides facilities for testing technical feasibility of chemical processes and it is equipped with fully automatic packaged boiler, reverse osmosis system, electro dialysis system, rotary kiln, split flow, U-tube heat exchanger, gasifier and many other equipments. A corning glass Liquid-Liquid Extraction unit having both packed bed and sieve tray column has been installed. Analytical facilities such as gas chromatograph, UV-spectrophotometer, HPLC, flame photometer, etc. are also available.

Computer Laboratory
The Institute is endowed with one of the best computer labs in the country. It has 80 computers (Pentiums). The laboratory is linked by modem to the main Computer Centre of the University. Students have the option of mastering softwares concerning general usage (PC Tools, XT pro), scientific languages (Fortran, Pascal), advanced languages (C, C++), word processing (WS-2000), business (D-BASE), design (CAD) and Chemical Engineering (CAPS) softwares.

The Institute has well furnished library having about 10,453 books and subscribes to over 19 Indian and foreign journals for the exclusive use of the students and faculty of the Institute.

Several faculty members of the Institute have been actively involved in rendering consultancy to industrial organizations in the region. The consultancy activities include preparation of feasibility reports, development of pollution control technologies, energy auditing of industrial units, development of alternative and more economical technologies for industrial units, corrosion prevention analysis of industrial products, development of new products/ processes of laboratory scale and recovery of chemicals from agro based effluents.

Research Laboratories
The Institute has well equipped research laboratories in some front-line areas such as chemical engineering thermodynamics, environmental engineering, carbon chemistry, polymer science and engineering, membrane technology, solvent extraction, electro-chemistry, etc. A number of sponsored research projects have been successfully completed, while others are presently in progress.

The Institute invites chemical and allied industries located all over the country for interviewing the final year B.E. (Chemical), B.E. (Food Technology), M.E. (Chemical), M.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) students for placement. The Institute has an excellent placement record with packages rising as high as 11.5 lakhs and average package being 4.2 lakhs.

Research Facility
The Institute is well equipped for research work leading to Ph.D. degree. Facilities exist particularly in areas like: Thermodynamic and Thermo Physical Properties; Reaction Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Heat and Mass Transfer; Non-Conventional Energy Tech.; Science and Technology of Carbon; Polymer Science and Engineering; Agro-residues; Multiphase Complex Flow Hydrodynamics; Food Processing and Non-Conventional Separation Techniques.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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